Friday, 4 January 2008

Obama's message of Change

The strength of the American people lies in their resiliance and their ability to get back on their feet when the chips are down to make a change. In Obama, I hope that the Americans have found the leader who will be able bring the U.S back to its standings as a nation united.

I loved the speech Obama made in his Iowa victory.

Monday, 31 December 2007

I will be going short on whatever this fellow is buying

Mike Norman, founder of the Economic Contrarian Update has this to say about the housing market back in 31st Dec 2006:

Question: What is your opinion on no-money-down housing developments, like those going up in the Poconos? — Scott (Fair Lawn, NJ)
Mike Norman: Scott, I think no money down is great. It's one of the ways that Americans are benefiting from trends like globalization and the rising use of technology. By lowering capital costs we have access to more credit and that helps the real estate market. As long as we don't enact policy that harms these macro trends, then there is little risk in these highly leveraged loans. As for the Pocono developments themselves, they may have run up too far too fast just as most other properties have, but long-term they're fine.

Mike Norman, again on Fox news, expounding his ever-optimistic view of the housing market. He might as well be renaming his company to the Economic Optimist instead.