Tuesday 4 November 2008

Obama is the 44th President of the USA

Obama's message of change had won over the hearts of the Americans. As previously posted in this blog, Americans have shown that change in the current administration is needed. Let's hope Obama and the American people can deliver the change he has promised.


Unknown said...

Honestly, unlike some, I don't have a whole lot of faith in Obama. I think he has drummed up expectation to a level that is difficult if not impossible to fulfill. Already he's talking about how his (future) policies will require a second term.

Then again, he must be credited for energizing a entire generation of youths and get them out to vote. In a way, he has made them stakeholders to the country's future.

Let's hope that the change that we see in the next couple of years are good ones.

Eaststopper said...

Well HOPE is what everyone is hoping for right now in these trying times..