Wednesday 31 October 2007

Teachers to be trained to teach Financial Literacy

So, NIE is going to train 500 teachers to teach Financial Literacy over the next 18 months.

NIE is partnering with Citi Foundation to 'build a framework that provides a comprehensive and structured nationwide teacher development education programme to equip teachers in schools with the financial literacy skills,' said an NIE statement.

Prof Lee Sing Kong, Director of NIE said: 'First, we provide teachers with basic financial literacy skills of managing their own finances and thereafter, pedagogical training to empower them with engaging pedagogy to reach out to their students. Equipped with resources and engaging pedagogy for the teaching and learning of financial literacy in a fun and meaningful way, the teachers can apply the financial literacy principles in classroom teaching and enrichment activities for students.'

#interpretation# I think NIE better start paying these teachers a better salary in the event that these teachers decide to make a career change. hahaha...
Financial Literacy is defined in wiki as 'the ability of individuals to make appropriate decisions in managing their personal finances'. Wow. That's a lot of knowledge to impart in order for anyone to make 'appropriate' decisions.

Mr Piyush Gupta, Head of Asean, Markets and Banking and Citi County Officer, Singapore, said it is important to give children a head-start in the disciplines of financial budgeting, planning and investing, to help them better understand how to use financial resources available to meet their goals in life.

#interpretation# I am not too comfortable when financial institutions tie up to 'impart' knowledge to impressionable young people. These institutions earn fat margins on selling exotic and complex financial products - what other better ways to sell these financial products of mass destruction than to teach people how to buy them ...


Creative Wealth said...

Creative Wealth International (formerly, the Money Camp) is a nationwide (and becoming worldwide) financial literacy 501(3)c nonprofit organization dedication to empowering kids and teens to create financial freedom in their lives.

The word empower means to: "To equip or supply with an ability; enable". Creative Wealth International's mission is to "EQUIP" kids and teens with the information and tools so that they have the "ABILITY" to create financial freedom in their lives which makes them "ABLE" to live their dreams, automatically "ENABLING" them create good in the world.

Unfortunately, too many kids are being raised by parents who do not know how to manage their finances or invest their money wisely. We have been taught our entire lives to live as "consumers". Money makes the world go round, right? It does, but what most people do not understand is they are making their money go round for other people. They are providing the owners of large corporations the ability to earn, earn, earn while they are lowering themselves deeper into consumer debt, which is a leading cause of suicide, divorce and depression. We understand that no one has this agenda in mind when they raise their beautiful little children. Of course, parents just want the best for their kids, they want them to grow up and have more than they had, and be given more opportunity than they were given. But when you place a child in school, they don't teach them about money, except for how to balance a checkbook. They don't tell them that when they turn 18, they are going to be offered credit card after credit card, not knowing which one to pick to work for them, or how to spend wisely. They don't tell your kids that when they graduate college, they are going to be saddled with a ton of education debt that is going to force them to join the workforce where they will trade their time for a paycheck.

WE teach kids that passive income is the key to financial freedom and you develop passive income by investing in Real Estate, the Stock Market and Business Ventures. WE teach kids about credit cards and how to pick ones that will pay for vacations and how to spend WISELY so that they can pay off the balances every month. WE teach kids about starting businesses so that by the time they are in college, they can pay for it themselves so that when they graduate they have a choice to work, or travel or start their own companies. WE teach teens how to Move Out and Stay Out! We are dedicated to raising fiscally and emotionally responsible adults that can give back to their communities, not take from them because they were never taught how to succeed.

Creative Wealth International is a Santa Barbara, CA based 501(3)c nonprofit organization. Our goal is to have Creative Wealth programs in every major city in America by 2010 and every country in the World by 2012. We know that that is a lot to accomplish but every year we meet and train hundreds of people that are just as driven as we are to change the way kids grow up. Our unique Train-the-Trainer program trains people from all walks of life to implement and teach our unique programs in their own communities.

What makes our programs so unique?

We despise PowerPoint presentations. We don't use overhead projectors. The only tables at our events are the ones that hold the apples and pretzels. What do we use? Music, games, activities and real life simulations. What is this amazing teaching method called? Accelerated Teaching Techniques. These amazing techniques have been PROVEN to hold participants attention while they retain 90% of the information, without ever taking a single note! And guess what, they have a TON of fun doing it!

Our Train-the-Trainer program prepares individuals to teach Creative Wealth programs their communities. They master the Accelerated Teaching Techniques and at the same time, learn the curriculums and how to run Creative Wealth programs. Our participants are never disappointed in this training and have described the training as "life-changing" and "inspiring". They leave licensed Creative Wealth coaches and take with them a completely new outlook on their lives and how they have been living them. They always walk away with goals, visions and a passion for things that have escaped their conscious. We Guarantee It!

We are introducing a brand-new program, Wealth Rules! this February 15-17, 2008 in Los Angeles, CA. We are in the midst of scheduling one in Canada, Florida and on the East Coast as well. This program will be a large-scale (200 teens and parents) financial literacy event where teens will be starting businesses, participating in their own stock market, and well, we don’t want to give everything away. We are currently looking for sponsors, companies to joint venture with and people that just plain agree with our mission and want to help spread the word.

Check us out at: or contact us at 800-928-1932

The Creative Wealth International Team

Creative Wealth said...

Creative Wealth International (formerly, the Money Camp) is a nationwide (and becoming worldwide) financial literacy 501(3)c nonprofit organization dedication to empowering kids and teens to create financial freedom in their lives.

The word empower means to: "To equip or supply with an ability; enable". Creative Wealth International's mission is to "EQUIP" kids and teens with the information and tools so that they have the "ABILITY" to create financial freedom in their lives which makes them "ABLE" to live their dreams, automatically "ENABLING" them create good in the world.

Unfortunately, too many kids are being raised by parents who do not know how to manage their finances or invest their money wisely. We have been taught our entire lives to live as "consumers". Money makes the world go round, right? It does, but what most people do not understand is they are making their money go round for other people. They are providing the owners of large corporations the ability to earn, earn, earn while they are lowering themselves deeper into consumer debt, which is a leading cause of suicide, divorce and depression. We understand that no one has this agenda in mind when they raise their beautiful little children. Of course, parents just want the best for their kids, they want them to grow up and have more than they had, and be given more opportunity than they were given. But when you place a child in school, they don't teach them about money, except for how to balance a checkbook. They don't tell them that when they turn 18, they are going to be offered credit card after credit card, not knowing which one to pick to work for them, or how to spend wisely. They don't tell your kids that when they graduate college, they are going to be saddled with a ton of education debt that is going to force them to join the workforce where they will trade their time for a paycheck.

WE teach kids that passive income is the key to financial freedom and you develop passive income by investing in Real Estate, the Stock Market and Business Ventures. WE teach kids about credit cards and how to pick ones that will pay for vacations and how to spend WISELY so that they can pay off the balances every month. WE teach kids about starting businesses so that by the time they are in college, they can pay for it themselves so that when they graduate they have a choice to work, or travel or start their own companies. WE teach teens how to Move Out and Stay Out! We are dedicated to raising fiscally and emotionally responsible adults that can give back to their communities, not take from them because they were never taught how to succeed.

Creative Wealth International is a Santa Barbara, CA based 501(3)c nonprofit organization. Our goal is to have Creative Wealth programs in every major city in America by 2010 and every country in the World by 2012. We know that that is a lot to accomplish but every year we meet and train hundreds of people that are just as driven as we are to change the way kids grow up. Our unique Train-the-Trainer program trains people from all walks of life to implement and teach our unique programs in their own communities.

What makes our programs so unique?

We despise PowerPoint presentations. We don't use overhead projectors. The only tables at our events are the ones that hold the apples and pretzels. What do we use? Music, games, activities and real life simulations. What is this amazing teaching method called? Accelerated Teaching Techniques. These amazing techniques have been PROVEN to hold participants attention while they retain 90% of the information, without ever taking a single note! And guess what, they have a TON of fun doing it!

Our Train-the-Trainer program prepares individuals to teach Creative Wealth programs their communities. They master the Accelerated Teaching Techniques and at the same time, learn the curriculums and how to run Creative Wealth programs. Our participants are never disappointed in this training and have described the training as "life-changing" and "inspiring". They leave licensed Creative Wealth coaches and take with them a completely new outlook on their lives and how they have been living them. They always walk away with goals, visions and a passion for things that have escaped their conscious. We Guarantee It!

We are introducing a brand-new program, Wealth Rules! this February 15-17, 2008 in Los Angeles, CA. We are in the midst of scheduling one in Canada, Florida and on the East Coast as well. This program will be a large-scale (200 teens and parents) financial literacy event where teens will be starting businesses, participating in their own stock market, and well, we don’t want to give everything away. We are currently looking for sponsors, companies to joint venture with and people that just plain agree with our mission and want to help spread the word.

Check us out at: or contact us at 800-928-1932

The Creative Wealth International Team

Anonymous said...

This is a phenomenal concept. Students need access to financial literacy training just as much as they need access to reading fundamentals and mathmatical skills.

The younger the student is when this information is avaiable, the better. Bigger Than Your Block provides training for elementary, middle, and high school students as well as college students. There is also a great blog with information about scholarhsips, trainings, and general information for students. The trainers currently work in Philadelphia, Dallas, San Diego and Los Angeles.